Image of Empowered Woman
Coaching with Linda Dieffenbach

Welcome to Coaching with Linda, where midlife becomes a time of powerful transformation and renewed purpose.

Hi! I’m Linda Dieffenbach, your Personal Transformation Coach, here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. Together, we’ll unlock your potential and help you create a life you truly love.

Midlife is a unique phase of a woman’s life filled with opportunities for growth and transformation. It is the time when we start fully tapping into our power and begin to self-actualize.

It is your time to shine.

At Coaching with Linda, we understand the challenges you face and the dreams you hold dear. Our personalized coaching programs are designed to help you break free from self-sabotage, establish empowering boundaries, and embrace your dreams and desires.

This is your moment to rediscover your passion and embrace a life of purpose and joy.

Together, we embark on an amazing inner journey to transform your mindset, overcome barriers, unleash your strengths, and build a solid foundation for an authentic, purposeful life.

Complimentary Midlife Transformation Session Image with Link
  • Break Free from Self-Sabotage: Overcome behaviors and mindsets that hold you back, unlocking your true potential.
  • Set Empowering Boundaries: Learn to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life.
  • Communicate with Confidence: Develop heart-centered communication skills that enhance all your relationships.
  • Embrace Self-Care: Discover stress management and self-care techniques that rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.
  • Heal and Release the Past: Address and heal from past traumas, and release limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.
  • Foster Authentic Relationships: Transform your relationships by creating connections that are nurturing and supportive.
  • Cultivate Joy and Purpose: Rediscover joy, confidence, and a deep sense of purpose in your daily life.
  • Step into Your Power: Gain the confidence to stand fully in your power and live authentically, free from fear and self-doubt.
  • Achieve Tangible Results: Transform your passions into real-world achievements, aligning your actions with your deepest desires.
  • Realize Your Highest Potential: Embrace self-actualization by living a life that reflects your true self, values, and aspirations.

I’ve seen six different counselors and therapists throughout my life. This is the first time I feel like I’m making real progress.

-Bobbie W.

These sessions were a roadmap to understanding and embracing what it means to live out my true purpose in life. Her guidance lit a path in my journey that I didn’t realize was there! If you’re seeking transformation and empowerment, this program is an invaluable investment in yourself.

– Erin J.

Your Journey Image

Your coaching journey is unique and sacred. Together, we’ll explore your story, uncover your true desires, and create a personalized roadmap to help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

We begin our journey together with a Midlife Transformation Discovery session. In this complimentary session, we will:

  • Uncover Your Core Desires: Let’s dive deep to find out what truly lights you up and reignites your passions.
  • Gain Clarity and Direction: Together, we’ll chart a course that aligns with your heart and soul, setting meaningful goals for the next chapter of your life.
  • Rediscover Your True Self: Break free from societal expectations and reconnect with the amazing, authentic you.
  • Embrace Calm and Balance: Learn simple, effective strategies to manage stress and find your inner peace amidst life’s beautiful chaos.
  • Create Your Personal Growth Plan: Walk away with a customized plan for personal and professional growth that’s uniquely yours.

If we decide that we are a good match for entering into a coaching relationship, you will choose the path that best supports your goals and vision. From there, we:

  • Enter into a Power Partnership: As your coach, I become your power partner in your transformational journey. My role is to hold space for the bigger vision of yourself and your life, guiding your towards and challenging you to reach your untapped potential.
  • Create a Growth Container: Together we create the optimal container for you to expand beyond your comfort zone and grow into the fullest expression of the powerful woman you were born to be.
  • Identify Your Inner Barriers: We identify the limiting beliefs and internal barriers that block you from recognizing and achieving your fullest potential.
  • Irreversible Breakthroughs: Once we identify and unlock your inner barriers, you discover the patterns, habits, and fixed mindsets that have kept you stuck. You will re-envision the story of who you are and your potentials, shattering your internal ‘glass ceiling’, and opening yourself to a reality filled with greater possibility and potential.
  • Create Your Roadmap to Self-Actualization: After that, we discover the core skills, mindset shifts, patterns, and resources necessary for you to expedite your progress, creating your roadmap to success.

From here, you receive continued guidance and support as you navigate your roadmap to self-actualization and continue to expand into your brilliance.

Take the first step towards a more fulfilled and empowered life. Schedule your complimentary Midlife Transformation Discovery session today and embrace your powerful inner goddess.

Our coaching programs are transformational in nature. They are intended for individuals who are able to engage in self-reflection, be guided into a growth mindset, and commit to their transformational journey.

These programs are informed by the foundational principles of Woman-Centered Coaching. They are designed to focus on unlocking higher potentials, and while they are transformational in nature, they are not a substitute for psychotherapy, health care, or medical advice.

They are not intended or recommended for individuals who are currently experiencing deep trauma, active abuse situations, substance abuse, mental illness, or other similar challenges. If you are seeking support for these challenges, click here to access our healing services.

Linda Dieffenbach headshot

With years of experience in personal transformation coaching, Linda Dieffenbach brings compassion, insight, and expertise to help women in midlife navigate their unique challenges and discover their true potential. Learn more about Linda and her approach to coaching.